Dr. Martijn van der Spoel: The Art of Repetition
Who is Dr Martijn van der Spoel?
Dr Martijn van der Spoel was born in the Netherlands but lives in London today. He’s a psychologist and his main researching area is everything about “learning“ and “how does the brain progress?“. In my opinion he made a very open-minded impression and really seemed to be enthusiastic about his job.
What did he want to tell us?
Basically his aim was to show and tell the students how we can improve our methods of learning. Therefore he played some games with us, which needed good concentration and the ability of keeping things in mind easily. During his presentation he always referred to what he called the “ART of repetition”.
What is the “ART of repetition“?
A=What do you want to Achieve?
Explaining what the ART-repetition is, Dr. van der Spoel played a game with us. …